i managed to watch the bauedelaires orphans last sunday, going thru all the unfortunate events, since their parents passed away. it was nice. the cinema was full of kids. hehehe...cerita budak-budak, so memang penuh la. i was thinking nak buat movie marathon but these bauedelaires kids made my mind tired. tak tahu kenapa. bila keluar from cinema, i was like sitting and tried to control my breathing and relaxing my mind. i'm not sure which part of the movie made me that exhausted. huhuhu...

violet, klaus & little sunny...;)

then, i had lunch @ avenue K while reading the latest book in my collection. spent quite a while kat situ, best jugak. lepak, makan and read. sambil tu jeling-jeling ke luar kedai and watch people in and out from the lrt station. hehehe...
i might be doing it again in of those cafes outside klcc, facing the fountain. i find it very soothing and relaxing, spending time alone. oh damn! i always spend my time alone. sampai bila yek? owh that question makes me down, dowh!
mula2 dulu rasa odd juga bila jalan sorang2 but now dah terbiasa. WTL suka pergi bookstore sorang2 because i will spend hours kat situ takut others rasa bored
yeah...it is soothing. grab a drink, get the best seat outside the cafe and watch ppl walking or indulge ourselves with something other than chit chatting. i always do that. :)
klcc is the best place to go, agree? :)
WTL ~ a'ah, kalau pi bookstore or pi camera viewing, i'd rather go alone sebab we would spend so much time, takut org yang ikut kita tu boring...
kay ~ yup! klcc is the best place to go people-seeing. hihihihi...
danny ~ watch out. i might just approach and say;
"hey captain, may i join you??"
aiseh..you selalu jugak tengok movie eh..the latest movie pulak tu..
Kadang tu, pergi alone lebih afdal..more things can be done/completed. :-)
ligo ~ i'm a movie freak! hehehe... yeah, i have to agree with you. kalau ramai2, too much opinions to handle, right?;)
thanx for visiting!
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