alhamdulillah, bulan yang ditunggu-tunggu sampai. macam-macam yang cekya nak mohon dari Allah S.W.T. tak malu ek? apa pun, cekya tahu, i can only ask from HIM. that's for sure. lately, banyak perkara yang berlaku, menyentuh hati kenit cekya.
things that make me wanna cry, but it all got stuck in the throat! dem! i always look into things at a different perspective, in the end, it makes me depress and there comes self-pity. tak suka betul lah. kadang tu, dalam lrt tu pun bantai sebak. i got watery eyes just thinking of it. kalau bercerita, berbakul-bakul airmata nih.
insya-Allah, sepanjang Ramadhan, my office hour is till 5, gotta rush home, mama cekya dah pun pesan. cooking at odd hours, early morning, then petang time berbuka, perkataan malas tu mencucuk-cucuk minda la pulak. hikhikhikhik...
anyways, cekya harap to all bloggers, have fun this Ramadhan, puasa elok-elok, ibadat banyak-banyak, yang termampu. i'm reminding myself as well..
take care people. and thanx a million to those yang tinggalkan message kat tagboard.
p/s : sorry tot for not being a good listener last nite. banyak pulak aku condemn whatever you told me. apa pun, just be careful, and do back off if you feel uneasy about certain situation. and if you ask me, do back off, now. i'm a friend, and even if i don't sound nice on the phone last nite, it does not mean that i don't care. aku kisah, and we all do love you! jangan notty2 yea!
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