i turned 26 today. i feel fresh this morning. alhamdulillah, i've reached another stage. for all wishers, yang hantar wish thru sms, calls, ym, thank you so much! at least i know, there are still people who cares..anyways, gambar kotak pink ni is a gift from an officemate, miza. there's this pink handbag, a pink bookmark and potpourri wrapped in a pink fabric with a pink flower on top in this pink box!and also, a pink birthday card, which the 'theme' colour is like 'd' colour for me!hahaha...
actually memang dah pesan, kalau nak bagi hadiah, make sure it's wrapped in pink wrapping paper, with pink ribbons. hahah...sabo ajerlah yea...mintak tuuuu!
i have plans petang nanti. going to have all the time by myself, tengok wayang. wanna watch alexander. pathetic ke jalan sorang? it's just me. i prefer to spend time alone, most of the time. so take care friends. may 1st december 2004 would give you great joy and a memorable one!
i prefer to spend time "alone"... heheh pepahal pun happy birthday....alone.
i prefer to spend time "alone"... heheh pepahal pun happy birthday....alone.
thanx alone & azya....
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