Friday, November 26, 2004

...boring friday...


kalau friday, semua orang happy coz there'll be the weekends. but not for me. ntah la..tak tahu kenapa rasa tak berapa seronok. i'll be going to an friend's open house on sunday. hope that'll change my mood by looking forward to a nice get-together.

kat luar mendung. i hope it will not rain. Ya Allah...pleaseeeeee don't let the sky burst today. hehehe....i have plans this evening. i've booked a ticket to watch 'incredibles'. alone. nothing weird about cekya going to the movies alone. cuma dalam kepala sekarang ni, nak atau tak nak. THAT is the question!

been seeing this movie's promo since i watched 'berlari ke langit'. hilarious. i guess it's funnier than a shark's tale. tengoklah macam mana nanti. oops!it's 5:00pm. gotta make my move now. take care people, and have a pleasant weekend!


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