Wednesday, July 26, 2006

point blank + stuffed chest = neverending tears.

have you guys been in a situation where you really, really don't wanna do something. like you have this weight in your chest, saying, no, don't do it. instinct that tells you not to do something or else something pretty bad's gonna happen?

and you, being you, just do it. langgar aje apa kata hati cakap. hati dah cakap, fikiran dah bilang. tapi still buat gak. in the end, sendiri suffer. degil la lagi!

it happen to me today. and i feel freakin' crappy about it. do list down things that are negative, super negative, harsh, volatile, evil....anything! name it. it's all in my chest.

how can you be so stupid, girl!!!!!!!!! i'm just so bloody mad at myself. nape la bangang sangat.


and i cried. i cried coz i was being dumb. i cried coz i saw it coming, but still, i took the route i wanted too. i took the way i wanted too. you're old enough, so cekya, next time, think! for goodness sakes! next time eh? will there be a next time?

i am idiot. such a fool, you are!

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