Wednesday, July 04, 2007

transformed? transformers? transformation?


it was a dusty dusty weekend. some tebuk siti situ sana sini at my house. ada renovation sket. and as a result, i got the asthma attack. tried calming it down with my tablets but it's still there. lah dia kalau renovate rumah. i will surely jadik mangsa. but what to do...

and i have a news for you guys, i've ended my 'photographer life' with redmedia.

so much as i wanted to stay, i have to go. reasons. so many of them.

yeah, sedih. as photography is my passion. and taking wedding pictures makes it more wondrous. but some say that i need to improve. my wedding pictures are not so great compared to my other pictures. point noted.

makanya, cekya kena banyak lagi belajar. banyak lagi ilmu! kena banyak lagi practice shooting. as for now, cekya nak rehat dulu. lepak. tenangkan fikiran as these stuff are really mind-boggling and i'm emotionally exhausted. i guess, ni ujian paling berat yang cekya terima. cekya kena banyak sabar dan tak mau mengarok. no point la kan nak marah-marah.

to all, thanx so much for supporting me & redmedia. insya-Allah, i'll try to improve myself, and i do hoped for your prayers. as i also need to dekatkan diri pada Allah. probably cekya banyak lalai and this is the price i have to pay, and cekya redha.

so i guess that's all for now. take care peeps.

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