Friday, December 14, 2007


yeah, it's kinda late. 1:45am. i'm still wide awake. the past few days were tiring. it's either i collapsed immediately after lying down, or, it's gonna be a long nite. the eyes just won't shut.

many things have happened. sad ones. nice ones. heart-breaking ones. happy ones. it's all in a package.  something that i couldn't resist. 

alhamdulillah, i'm making my own photography team a reality. i'm actively taking wedding pictures, and events that would have added experience, skills and stuff like that. it's tough at times, juggling with work and all[i wish that i could just walk from that office], but still, it's what i love doing and i can't complaint. it's just great. pretty great. i got a few albums to settle and i just don't have the time. :(

as for the happenings in the office, there are wayyy too many but it's just a totally idiotic just thinking about it. it's a complete hell..

but anyways, i got a deadline tomorrow, gotta chase a few people. and i'll be getting the custom albums i have ordered and the new lens i went crazy for, for the last few months. hehehe....

and i hope the supplier will deliver tomorrow as promised.
and i hope that the designers for the quarterly newsletter will cme back to me before noon or i'll screammm to her.
and i hope i can complete the foolish appraisal form. demmit ah!

weekends, i got a wedding to shoot in melaka. i hope this one turns out well. i still got butterflies in my tummy before ever single job. haihhh! then after the wedding, insya-Allah me & wtl will be heading to PD as i got a last minute booking. it IS hard to find any available rooms, since it's school holidays but it was pure luck! alhamdulillah. wtl would probably have some swimming lessons. hahahah...ready with your suit, girl? hahahahah....

so take care people.
lotsa love,

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