Tuesday, May 31, 2005

whispering sand..

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pasir berbisik is about daya, a lonely and bright girl. she spent her times with her mom, berlian. berlian's a midwife, who eventually helped not only mothers giving birth but also girls who wanna do abortions. and berlian would bury those babies yang tak cukup bulan under a tree kat tepi laut and daya likes to spend her time under the tree. and she can always sense whenever her mom is looking at her, even from far.

and even she hides behind the walls at their house, her mom would know. creepy eh? she'll just count from 1 to 3 and all of a sudden, berlian would call out to her. that's how attached daya to her mom.a few things happen in her life and she ended up being apart from her mom. i like some of the quotes said by daya & berlian but i've forgotten all about it coz i was so fascinated by it's cinematography..

i must say that the movie has got a slow moving storyline but the cinematography was brilliant! amazing! just look at the picture above. it's one of the shots. the movement of the sand, the wind, and both berlian & daya's moves. it's just so dramatic and amazing.

i wouldn't recommend for you to watch the story, but the shots. hehehe....

p/s : picture taken from >>> http://www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/en/film/10071.html

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